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You invented it. We'll take it to market.

We're searching for the next legendary consumer product. To find it, we're opening our doors to innovators like you. Whether you've secured a patent, developed a prototype or simply have a brilliant idea, if you’re a consumer product inventor, DRTV Inc. has resources for you.

When you submit your product to DRTV Inc., a national panel of expert judges will evaluate it and within 4 – 6 weeks you will receive a response from us letting you know if DRTV Inc. is interested in your product or idea. If we think your product would be a hit, we'll apply all our expertise and resources to take your product to market quickly and powerfully. If your product meets our criteria and our experts score it highly, you may qualify for funding of the entire campaign!

Learn more about our unique process here

Here's what DRTV Inc. can do for you when you submit your product:

1 Product Evaluation by DRTV Experts

Get your product seen by the experts! Our panel of experts will carefully evaluate your submission and score your product’s potential for DRTV success. A high score may qualify your product for campaign funding! Within 4 – 6 weeks we will let you know if DRTV Inc. is interested in marketing your product and you may be invited to pitch your idea in person. We only see a few of the very best products, so make your submission count right from the start! There is a nominal $10 fee to cover the cost of processing your submission.

Submit your product here

2 One-on-one product review with a DRTV Expert

Here’s your chance to speak with a DRTV expert exclusively about your product! Products that are successful in DRTV have very specific qualities in functionality, design and marketability. When it comes to optimizing a product’s potential for DRTV success, nothing is more valuable than expert insight. It helps you avoid hassle and has the potential to save you time, energy and a ton of money. After you submit your product and our expert panel has reviewed it, we will set up a live, one-on-one consultation between you and one of our experts. There is a fee of $199 for this in-depth review, and it is worth every penny as you prepare your product for market.

Submit your product here

3 Provide the most competitive licensing agreements in the business

You'll get bigger money at DRTV Inc.! The company was founded by an inventor, so we know what it’s like to be in your position. Every product is different, but if we choose yours for launch, we are committed to offering you a competitive, honest and very fair licensing deal. That means the biggest possible payout to you!

4 Launch your campaign in as little as 3 months

If your product is ready to manufacture, with our streamlined systems, we can launch your product's campaign within 3 to 6 months.

5 Support your campaign with a full suite of capabilities!

DRTV Inc. is on the cutting edge of direct response marketing. When we find a winning product, we are able to put all the pieces together to swiftly launch a dynamic campaign. Our service capabilities include:

  • Patent assistance
  • Packaging
  • Manufacturing assistance
  • Award-winning TV production
  • Web design
  • Social Media & Viral Marketing
  • National and regional TV media placement
  • Proprietary audience targeting technology
  • Campaign management & performance optimization
  • Retail placement
  • International distribution
  • Underwriting

Ready to put your idea to the DRTV Inc. test?