
A full-service direct response partner… with an edge.

No matter where you are in the product lifecycle, DRTV Inc. can make a meaningful difference in the success of your campaign. Perhaps your organization has already had the product manufactured and all you need is an infomercial or website; maybe you’re already testing and your strategy needs hyper-targeted media placement; or it might be that you just need help reducing costs and managing all the moving pieces of your campaign.

With several patented and proprietary technologies, a streamlined integration process and a wealth of experience, DRTV Inc. is your partner in success.

Exclusive technology and expertise gives you the edge you need

DRTV Inc. holds patents on a number of cutting edge technologies that can revolutionize the potential of your campaign on television and online. We offer advantages that no other service provider can offer, including powerful zip code-targeted media placement for testing, online platforms that help you define your most powerful offer, and more.

Realize the maximum potential of your product's campaign by incorporating DRTV Inc.'s technology and expertise at any point in the product lifecycle.

  • Product acceptance and consumer research
  • Product positioning, pricing and DR campaign strategy
  • Online product testing
  • Operations and distribution
  • Award winning TV Production
  • Web design
  • SEO
  • Social media & Viral Marketing
  • Web video
  • Target Media Placement to all 44,000+ Zipcodes
  • National and Regional Media Buying
  • Packaging
  • Manufacturing
  • Retail placement
  • International distribution